Company Ownership

The shareholders of Oldonyio-Onyokie Geothermal Company are the landowners of the proposed project area. Every person who has a land title in the identified project area will be considered a shareholder regardless of whether steam or any other infrastructure project will affect their individual parcels of land. The interests of the shareholders will be represented by a Board of Directors who are elected by the shareholders. All company operations shall be guided by the Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association.


Stakeholders are any persons or institutions of interests in any project. In the context of the proposed project, stakeholders are the shareholders and any other persons or institutions that shall be affected by the project.


  • Symba Renewable Energy
  • Suswa Stima
  • GEG Power
  • Gobeleq Kenya Limited


Ben R.Ole Koissaba, Ph.D. MASE, CDPM
Chief Executive Officer

Dr Koissaba holds a PhD in International Family and Community Studies from Clemson University, South Carolina, USA, a Post-Doctoral in Advanced Research from Langston University Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, an MA in Social Entrepreneurship from Northwest University, Kirkland, Washington, USA, and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Theology and Development from the Oxford Center for Mission Studies of the University of Leeds, UK. Dr Koissaba has consulted with the World Bank and the European Investment Bank in Renewable Energy, Climate Change and Gender inclusion. He represented the Civil Society in the development of Sustainable Goals (SDGs). Dr Koissaba is in the current UNDP Roster for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) consultants.

The OOGC Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Oldonyio Onyokie Geothermal Company Ltd. has 15 members in the Board of Directors nominated by the shareholders who are also landowners in the projected area.